“Tell me something exquisite that has happened to you today,” asked the delightful smiling woman from behind the retail counter. I had to stop and pause…exquisite meaning extremely beautiful, rare, special, delicate, appealing to excellence.
“Just dropped off a friend at a local car dealership who was picking up a brand new 2021 hybrid car and heading south on a road trip. And that car is exquisite,” I replied.
“What about you?” I asked the exquisitely long-haired healthy looking woman. “Driving to work I saw a deer. A white-tail deer. They’re so beautiful.”
This lovely exchange had the presence of Spirit (substitute God, Jesus, Buddha, The Creator or whatever works best for your spiritual connection). Genuine sharing of goodness and caring from one person to another. Heartfelt. Just nice to connect. Little did she know the deeper meaning of the deer for me.
A small, yet significant message from Spirit that I am on the right path. Launching my new healing practice and business, Blue Deer Wellness. The beautiful African American woman could have said anything exquisite, but it was about a deer. Made me smile. Being touched by Spirit feels exquisite: intensely beautiful, special and delicate.
This question of “tell me something exquisite” made me look deeper into my own life and find more exquisiteness. So, later when home, I decided to step outside and contemplate.
Forty feet off my back porch is the river bank edge. Living in a mountain town (Hailey, Idaho) one can usually find a river close by to commune with nature. Yes, for those of you who live in a more urban environment, we rural folk also need places to go to recharge from the busyness of life.
Living on the river brings a whole new opportunity of healing and intimacy with nature. Nature’s music in constant motion nurtures me all day and as I sleep at night. Exquisite. Lots of mature trees on the property are home to song birds and owls. Dead leaves that have not fallen rustle in the wind. The cold breeze rushes against my exposed skin as the sun, simultaneously, radiates warmth on my face. The sky is blue and the air is crisp and clean. Exquisite.
Feeling grateful for this place I call home, I close my eyes and think of all I am grateful for. So, tell me something exquisite in your life?!